Karte des Mondes

Barabashev’s drawing of Mars

Barabashev’s drawing of Mars

Reproduced in Kulin-Zerinváry: A távcső világa. Budapest, 1958. Courtesy of I. Almar   ” In the 1920-1926 yrs. with the help of a 270-millimeter reflector NP Barabashov conducted a large number of visual observations of Mars in different spectral ranges, the result of which was the compilation of a map of the planet’s surface.” (Wikipedia, Russian version)  

Karte des Mondes

Karte des Mondes

In: Karl Wilhelm Valentiner, 1881, Astronomische Bilder, Leipzig Author unknown.

Kulin’s Map of the Moon

Kulin’s Map of the Moon

  Nomenclature: latin In: Kulin György: A távcső világa. Királyi Magyar Természettudományi Társulat (Budapest), 1941 Supplement to the 1941 edition. Not included in later editions. Title: Map of the Moon, “after Braun” (?) With index of names. Kulin-Zerinváry, A távcső világa, 1958 edition. Without index. Notes on the possibility on life on the Moon, page […]

Cholnoky’s map of the Moon (193?)

Cholnoky’s map of the Moon (193?)

In: Cholnoky Jenő: A csillagok világa. Franklin társulat. 92. ábra p 189 [193?] “Ezt a Hold-térképet, amelyet nagyon alapos és mélyreható tanulmányozás után készítettem, egyik most készülő művemben is felhasználom.”  (Polgár Géza 1942: Örök fiatalok, akik látták a múltat. Dr. Vajna és Bokor, Budapest p110) Pencil drawing with hand-written labels. Nomenlcature in Hungarian. North-up. ca. 18×18 […]

Temperature map of the Moon

Temperature map of the Moon

Source: Zerinváry Szilárd: A Naprendszer élete. Művelt Nép Könyvkiadó, 1953, Budapest Origin of the map unknown. Caption: Temperature values on the Moon in the Sun-facing hemisphere.    

Maunder’s test map of Mars (1903)

Maunder’s test map of Mars (1903)

Drawn by: Edward Walter Maunder Evans, J. E. & Maunder, E. W.: Experiments as to the actuality of the “Canals” observed on Mars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. 63, p.488-499. June 1903 This experiment was to test the real existence of canals on Mars. “Drawing 6*25 inches based upon one by Professor Schiaparelli made […]

Lukács’s Copy of Lowell’s Map of the Polar cap of Mars (1904)

Lukács’s Copy of Lowell’s Map of the Polar cap of Mars (1904)

A Mars és a Föld összehasonlító topográfiája. Comparative topography of Mars and Earth. Lukács Károly 1904. Manuscript. Pencil and ink A copy of another map, with signature “R de M” (?) Lukács Károly: A sarki hósüvegek változásai a Marson és a Földön. Földrajzi Közlemények 1904. február, 11. füzet. 41-72   Original: Map of the South Pole […]

Lukács’ map of Mars (1904)

Lukács’ map of Mars (1904)

A Mars és a Föld összehasonlító topográfiája (Comparative topography of Mars and Earth, in Hungarian). Drawn by: Lukács Károly 1904 Pencil and black ink. Ca. 20×25 cm Unpubl. manuscript. Based on Flammarion and Antoniadi’s map but with somewhat more details and few more names. References Lukács Károly: A sarki hósüvegek változásai a Marson és a […]

2017 in Review 1: New Planetary Web Mapping Servers

2017 brought a boom in planetary online WMS services. We show you which new service can do what.    The new Google map Google worked closely with NASA the next corner in Silicon Valley to prepare the highest, 5m/px resolution global photomosaic of Mars in 2012 that even researchers used for browsing Mars, only available […]

Geomorphological map of Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars

Geomorphological map of Ius Chasma, Valles Marineris, Mars

Authors about the project: “The map displays 52 main geomorphological units of which some are further subdivided. They include both well-established features (e.g. spur-and-gully morphology on trough walls, landslide scars, and deposits), and newly reported landforms (e.g. alluvial fans with dendritic channels, moraines in western Ius Chasma).”   Citation: Dębniak, K., Mège, D. and Gurgurewicz, J. […]

Emissivity Global Map of Mars from OMEGA/MEX

98% filled surface emissivity map of Mars from poster by J. Audouard, M. Vincendon, F. Poulet and B. Gondet presented on The 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference. Link to poster: https://www.hou.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2017/eposter/1972.pdf

Controlled Color Mosaic Mars series (DRL)

Scale: 1:700k Date: 2016 MC-11E quadrangle. This mapping effort supports ExoMars landing site selection Source: Katja Schulz: Topographische Karten der Mars-Region MC-11-E ‒ erstellt auf Basis eines HRSC-Orthofotomosaiks der Mission Mars Express, AGIT – Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, 3-2017. Image: HRSC (ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO)