Albedo Map of Mercury, 1978

Antoniadi’s Maps of Mars (1898-1930)

Antoniadi’s Maps of Mars (1898-1930)

1898-99 Antoniadi EM, Attkins EAL, Brown GL, Corder H, Crowley LA, Hall WJ, Kempthorne PH, Killip R, Mer A, Molesworth PB, Phillips TER, Townshend HJ, Williams AA, Williams A 1901 Mars – Report of the Section, 1898-1899. Memoirs of the British Astronomical Association, ed. Maunder EW, Levander FW, Volume 9, p1811 (123-, 63-) London. Chart […]

Albedo Map of Mercury, 1978

Albedo Map of Mercury, 1978

Published  in: A. Dollfus et al: IAU Nomenclature for albedo features on the planet Mercury  Icarus Volume 34, Issue 1, April 1978, Pages 210-214 Language of nomenclature: Latin Russian version Source

Albedo map of the Moon 1973

Albedo map of the Moon 1973

Karta Albedo Vidimogo Polusariya Luny 1:5 000 000 Ed. N.P. Barabashov Ukranian Academy Kiev 1973 Harkov Observatory compiled photometry, albedo and colors map. 1:5M (Rodionova 1991)

SAI’s 2014 map of the near side of the Moon

SAI’s 2014 map of the near side of the Moon

Publisher: Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow, Russia Map editors: I.S. Agamalyan, Zh. F. Rodionova, V. G. Surdin, V.V. Shevchenko. Scale: 1:8 000 000 Language: Russian only.

Hypsometric globe of Mars (2012)

Hypsometric globe of Mars (2012)

Publisher: Sternberg State Astronomical Institute (SAI) in cooperation with the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics Faculty of Geography Moscow State University Source of data: MOLA; showing landing sites Cartographers: Zh. F. Rodionova, J. Brekhovskikh (Space Research Institute) (color scheme, based the previous Hypsometric map of Mars, scale 1:26 000 000 [Ilukhina, 2004]) Height scheme: The […]

Hypsometric map of Phobos and Deimos (2012)

Hypsometric map of Phobos and Deimos (2012)

Compiled by: Shibanova MS Editors: Lazarev EN, Rodionova JF Publisher: Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics Scale: 1:60 000 Description: The Phobos and Deimos relief map was compiled in orthographic projection (Shibanova, 2011) and published in 2012 (Lazareva, 2012). Orthographic projection is perspective one with center in […]

Globe of Mars, Budapest (2009)

Globe of Mars, Budapest (2009)

MOLA Topographic globe with IAU and informal nomenclature and MOC 1999 photomosaic globe with albedo names.Mars cartographer: H. I. HargitaiGlobe cartographer: M. GedeYear of Publication: 2009Publisher: Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Geography and Earth Sciences, Planetary Science Research GroupNomecnlature: Latin+English (includes informal names)Virtual version: The globe has been made digitally, for VRML display. Only few […]

What the Moon is like

What the Moon is like

Map Title: Men on the Moon Illustrator: True Kelley Book: What the Moon Is Like by Frankley M Branley. Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000 edition 2000 edition 1986 (?) edition

Map of the Moon, 1983

Map of the Moon, 1983

Reference: Geografitseskiy Atlas Language of nomenclature: Russian Language of explanations: Russian Map type: Shaded Relief Scale: 1: 40 000 000 Publication Place: Mosow Publication Date: 1983

Swiss World Atlas Map of the Moon

Swiss World Atlas Map of the Moon

Reference: Schweizer Weltatlas Language of nomenclature: Latin Language of explanations: German Map type: Shaded Relief Scale: 1: 19 333 333 Publication Place: Zürich Publication Date: 1981 Source of background relief map:  National Geographic Society.

Reploge Mars Globe (1981)

Reploge Mars Globe (1981)

Publisher: Reploge, Chicago Title: “The Lithospheres of the Terrestrial Planets” Cartographers: Raymond M Batson; Jay L Inge Manufactured for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Planetary Geology Programs [sic], Office of Space Science, by Replogle Globes. The copy at the ÖNB Kartensammlung und Globenmuseum References Austrian National Library

Regenye’s Globe of Mars, 1971  

Regenye’s Globe of Mars, 1971  

Painter: Regenye, Istvánné Date: 1971, Hungary Type: Handmade, physical globe Additional information: The Globe was hand painted by Istvánné Regenye, amateur astronomer and fresco restorer, to a (Earth) Globe after the Map of Mars published in National Geographic. It was restored once.

Column name Column description
Catalog ID (M) N/A
Title Title of map
Author Name of mapper(s), or author, PI, map editor, illustrator, etc. with roles
Nationality Nationality of author
Start date Year when mapping began / or year or observation
Date of publication Year of publication or completion of manusctipt (empty if not published yet)
Body Target name (planetary body)
Online Online references about the map
Projection Projection of map. 2-hemisphere is shown here.
Scale N/A
Orientation Orientation of map [north up, south up] – only for historic maps (north: cartographic tradition, south: astronomical tradition)
Publication type The type of work that contains the map. [standalone, journal, conference, atlas, book figure, book supplement, book plate, encyclopedia, multisheet, digital]
Type, purpose Type of map purpose [generic, outreach, science, citizen, surface operation (pre mission), landing site (post mission), observer, opposition, index, reference, eclipse/transit/occultation] generic: not defined, outreach: maps for the general public made b
Primary Nomenclature Laguage(s) of nomenclature displayed on the map [Latin, English etc., IAU, informal]. Latin for Latin nomenclature prior to IAU.
Ref (map) Full reference of map publication or publication that contains the map
DOI DOI number of map
ID (publication) ID of map publication or figure number
Origin type If this map is not original, the following codes are used: [L: language variant, N: new print, U: updated edition, C: copied / modified from another map, R: renovation map (digital version of paper map with slight changes), F facsimile. RP: republished in
Origin ID Any maps that this map is based on or copied from. Database ID of original map.
Based on map Name of mapper
Base (spacecraft, telescope) Name of spacecraft / instrument
Original title Title of map in original langage (if not English)
Publisher Name of Publisher; manuscript or self-published. For journals and conferences, the name of the journal or conference.
Coverage Coverage of map [global, hemispheric, regional, local, landing site, landing ellipse, traverse]
Target location IAU name of target feature (if named) or near side, far side etc. (If nothing noted, it is global)
Country Country of Publisher (original/translation)
Type, content Type of map [photo, map, sketch map, drawing, globe, tactile, data]. Data for raster datasets. For vector data, see Feature DB. Drawing: no grid, scale, projection etc.
Image base Base theme of the map [shaded relief, photomosaic, photo, none]
Theme Theme of map [visual, albedo, radar, low sun, topography, elevation, geology, geomorphology, art, nomenclature reference, feature, landing site reference, opposition map, event (eclipse etc) etc.]. Low sun is optical photo with shadows and no albedo. Vis
Technique Cartographic technique [imagemap, datamap, cartographic map, unit map, airbrush, pencil, line drawing/outline, contour lines, DEM, DIM, shaded relief / hillshading, raster data etc.]
Style Details on style
Method Method how the data was obtained
Mapping scale Scale of mapping
Resolution Raster dataset resoltion [m/pixel]
Short Reference Short form of reference to the map publication
GIS / data URL where GIS or original spatial data is
Data provider N/A
Profession Profession of author (for historic maps)
Designator Sheet designator terms following Greeley and Batson (1990) Planetary Mapping. Cambridge University Press. – only if displayed on the map. First letter: target body, 5M: scale, 90/0 etc: center coordinates, OM – orthophotomosaic , T – Topographic data (nom
Control Controlled, semi-controlled, uncontrolled
Note on control Base of control
Series title Title of map series
Number of maps (in work) N/A
Number of quads N/A
Quad ID Quad ID (or quads IDs) contained on the map
Map Diameter N/A
Map width cm N/A
Map height cm N/A
Map width px N/A
Map height px N/A
Base type Type of instrument of observation of base data [naked eye, telescope, spacecraft, space telescope, lander]
Location of copy Library or archive where manuscript or rare copy is kept
Ref (literature) Reference – literature about the map, may be the source of data if the map is not available. Separated with # symbols.
Status (2017) Status of mapping [complete, in progress, in review] (mostly for USGS maps)
Aim Original aim of mapping, if available
Notes Any comments, remarks [Long text, may be multiple paragraphs]
Secondary nomenclature Other languages of the nomenclature
Nomenclature Notes Remarks on nomenclature
Photo note N/A
Reference frame ID from RefFrames
web2 Online references about the map
web3 Online references about the map
web4 Online references about the map
ocentric/ographic Map coordinate [planetographic, planetocentric]
W 360E N/A
E 360E N/A
W 180 N/A
E 180 N/A
W 360W N/A
R 360W N/A
fig1 N/A
fig1 caption N/A
fig2 N/A
fig2 caption N/A
fig3 N/A
fig3 caption N/A
fig4 N/A
fig4 caption N/A
fig5 N/A
fig5 caption N/A
Sum $180