The Collection

IAU 1964

TRANSACTIONS OF THE IAU : VOLUME XIIB ( the following is excerpted from the book published by Academic Press in 1966) PROCEEDINGS OF THE TWELFTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY (HAMBURG, 1964) Edited by J.-C. PECKER General Secretary of the Union from pp. 202-205 AN EXTENDED FORM OF BLAGG AND MÜLLER’S SCHEMA OF LUNAR NOMENCLATURE D. W. G. […]

IAU 1961

TRANSACTIONS OF THE IAU : VOLUME XIB (the following is excerpted from the book published by Academic Press in 1962) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ELEVENTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY (BERKELEY, 1961) Edited by D. H. SADLER (General Secretary of the Union) from p. 234 16. COMMISSION POUR L’ETUDE PHYSIQUE DES PLANETES ET DES SATELLITES Compte rendu des Séances […]

IAU 1925

TRANSACTIONS OF THE IAU : VOLUME II (the following is excerpted from the book published by Imperial College Bookstall) SECOND GENERAL ASSEMBLY (CAMBRIDGE, JULY 14 to JULY 22, 1925) EDITED BY PROF. A. FOWLER, F.R.S. (General Secretary) from pp. 54-55 17. COMMISSION DE NOMENCLATURE LUNAIRE. PRESIDENT–Professor H. H. Turner, F.R.S., University Observatory, Oxford, England. MEMBERS […]

Pavel Příhoda’s Map of Mars (2000)

Pavel Příhoda’s Map of Mars (2000)

Title: MARS Author: Pavel Příhoda Language of nomenclature: Latin Language of explanations: Trilingual: Czech, English, German Map types: topographic, albedo; full index in separate brochure Publication Date: 2000 Publication Place: Brno, Praha Publisher: ZES Brno Scale: 1:24 000 000 Projection: Lambert Azimuthal / Lambertovo azimutální stejnoploché zobrazení. Lambertovo polární stejnoploché zobrazení. Ortografické transverzální zobrazení Size: 78 x […]

Moon map in Popular Science (1887)

Moon map in Popular Science (1887)

This Moon Map for binoculars (“opera glass”) was published in Popular Science August 1887 issue.

Polarimetric Atlas of the Moon, Tbilisi (1982)

Polarimetric Atlas of the Moon, Tbilisi (1982)

Polarimetric Atlas of the Moon V.P. Dzhapiashvili, A.N. Korol Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory, Geogia Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1982. In Russian, with additional English explanation and English and Georgian title page 1:10M Images: Library of MIIGAiK, Moscow

Physiographic Map of the Moon (1961)

Physiographic Map of the Moon (1961)

Physiographic Divisions of the Moon 1:3 800 000 Engeneering Special Study of the Surface of the Moon I-351 1961 USGS Robert Hackman, Arnold Mason   It contains a detailed, new, English, geographic nomenclature for the near side of the Moon. These names and division was never used afterwards even though it is more coherent than the […]

Photomap of the visible side of the Moon (1967)

Photomap of the visible side of the Moon (1967)

Фотокарта видимого полушария.СССР, Ю. Н. Липский, М., «Наука», 1967. Fotokarta Vidimogo Polusariya Luny Nauka, Moskva, 1967. 1:5 000 000 Yu. N. Lipskiy Sternberg State Astronomical Institute „Gerard Kuiper took two Lick Observatory photographs to Moscow, where a group of military cartographers workig under Lev Bugaevsky combined them with other images to create this photomap. Professor Yurii […]

Map of Phobos and Deimos, Central European edition (2006)

Map of Phobos and Deimos, Central European edition (2006)

Title: Moons of Mars; A Mars holdjai Map editor: Henrik Hargitai Shade relief base map: Editors: B. V. Krasnopevtseva, K. B.Shingareva, Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK). Language of nomenclature: Latin Language of explanations: English and Hungarian Map type: Shaded Relief Projection: 3-axial ellipsoid First Publication Date: 2006 Scale: 1:100 000 Size: 40×30 cm […]

Dresden map of Phobos and Deimos (2005)

Dresden map of Phobos and Deimos (2005)

Published by the ICA Commission on Planetary Cartography. The Phobos map consists of one sheet, varies in scale between 1: 100,000 and 1: 300,000 and uses the modified Bugaevsky projection (Bugaevsky, 1999) as well as Morphographic projection (Stooke, 1998). These maps were part of the multilingual planetary maps series of the terrestrial planets and the […]

Cube of Phobos

Cube of Phobos

No further information available. Photographed at MIIGAiK, Moscow, 2009.

Map of Phobos (1988)

Map of Phobos (1988)

Karta Fobosa 1:100 000 Using Mariner-9 and Viking-1 images GUGK /MGU 1988 (Glavnoe Upravlenie Geodezii i Kartografii) It was prepared to support the launch of  Fobos-1 and Fobos-2. (Shingareva 2009) Editors: V.D. Bolshakov; Belov, Bugaevskiy, Ptashko, Shingareva Manuscript Published version