Signed Map of Mars Exploration Zones

Sketch map of terrains on Enceladus

Smith BA et al. 1982 A New Look at the Saturn System: The Voyager 2 Images, Science , Jan. 29, 1982, New Series, Vol. 215, No. 4532 (Jan. 29, 1982), pp. 504-537

Geologic terrain map of Mercury (1975)

Geologic terrain map of Mercury (1975)

The first geologic map of Mercury Trask NJ, Guest JE 1975 Preliminary Geologic Terrain Map of Mercury. Journal of Geopgys. Res. 80 17 2461-, 2 maps on color plate 1a, 1b

Ronca’s canal map of Mars (1970)

One of the last canal Maps of Mars, after the space age began. THE PHYSIOGRAPHY OF THE MARTIAN SURFACEApproximately 70 per cent of the surface is covered by deserts or continents, which appear to be of reddish-yellow colour. Darker areas, called maria (singular mare) occupy approximately 27 per cent of thesurface. … The remaining portion […]

The first photoelectronic (albedo) map of the Moon

These are the first maps where photographic albedo was converted into exact numerical values. Source: A photoelectric-photographic study of the normal albedo of the Moon, accompanied by an Albedo map of the Moon 1970

Martian albedo features with topography (1973)

Martian albedo features with topography (1973)

“These charts were inspired by the National Geographic Society. The original artwork was prepared at Lowell Observatory in cooperation with David W. Cook, assistant chief cartographer of the Society,and a color rendition was distributed with the February 1973 issue of National Geographic Magazine as a supplement to a popular article by Kenneth F. Weaver. The […]

Paleogeographic map of the Moon (1971)

Paleogeographic map of the Moon (1971)

Drawings by Don Davis. Middle Imbrian End of Imbrian 3.3 Ga Today

The first geologic map of Io

The first geologic map of Io

In: David Morrison, Mildred Shapley Matthews, eds, 1982. Satellites of Jupiter p 943, Color section of, Plate 7.

The first geologic map of Europa

The first geologic map of Europa

In: David Morrison, Mildred Shapley Matthews, eds, 1982. Satellites of Jupiter p 941, Color section of, Plate 5

The first Geologic map of Ganymede

The first Geologic map of Ganymede

Geologic map of Ganymede. In: David Morrison, Mildred Shapley Matthews, eds, 1982. Satellites of Jupiter p938-939, Color section of, Plates 2-3,H.M. Ferguson, B.K. Lucchitta, S. W. Squyres, and D. E. Wilhelms 1:42M

Generalized geologic map of the region West of Tharsis Montes

Generalized geologic map of the region West of Tharsis Montes

Marte Vallis first appears on this map. This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. Published in 1982 by the American Geophysical Union. David H. Scott, Kenneth L. Tanaka 1982 Ignimbrites of Amazonis Planitia Region of Mars. Journal of Geophys. Res. Solid Earth

Sketch map of Southeast Elysium channels

Sketch map of Southeast Elysium channels

Tanaka KL, Scott DH Youngest channel system on Mars. 44-45. MECA Special Session at LPSC XVII 1986 Martian Geomorphology and its relation to subsurface volatiles. LPI Technical Report No 87-2, LPI, Houston.….17..865T/0000866.000.html

Sketch map of Amalthea

Sketch map of Amalthea

Veverka J, Thomas P, Morrison D, Davies ME 1981 Amalthea: Voyager imaging results J Geophys Res 86, 8675–8692.