The First Geologic Sketch Maps of the Equatorial Region of Mars (1972)

“The rationale and methods employed in the mapping were similar to those used for the Moon as described by Wilhelms and McCauley (1971) and McCauley and Wilhelms (1971)”
McCAULEY,J. F., ANDWILHELMS,D. E. (1971). Geological provinces of the near side of the Moon. Icarus 15, 363
WILHELMS, D. E., AND McCAuLEY, J. F. (1971). Geologic map of the near side of the Moon. U.S. Geol. Misc. Geol. Inv. Map 1-703
“G. W. Colton … helped review and expedite production of the geologic maps. Joseph Boyce … helped in the original compilation of the maps.
The original base materials were prepared under tile direction of R. M. Batson.
The work contained in this report was done under the auspices of the Mars Mariner 1971 Project, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology mostly under contract WO-8122.”

Source: J.F. McCauley, M.H. Carr, J.A.Cutts W.K. Hartmann, Harold Masursky, D.J. Milton, R.P. Sharp, D.E. Wilhelms (1972) Preliminary mariner 9 report on the geology of Mars. Icarus, Volume 17, Issue 2, October 1972, Pages 289-29
This series have 4 black-and-white map sheets.
- Sheet 1: 180-90°W: M.H. Carr
- Sheet 2: 90W-0° J. F. McCauley
- Sheet 3: 0-270W D.E. Wilhelms
- Sheet 4: 270W-180° D.J. Milton