North American Aviation map of Mars

North American Aviation map of Mars

The Planet Mars North American Aviation, Inc. Space and Information Systems Division Map provided courtesy of the USGS Flagstaff Library.

Mariner 69 Mars Chart

Mariner 69 Mars Chart

Prepared under the direction of the Department of Defense, Aeronautical Chart and Information Center, US Air Force for NASA Control: EC Slipher, Gerard de Vaucouleurs, JPL. Source: drawings of 1958. 1:25M 1967 Map provided courtesy of the USGS Flagstaff Library.

Albedo maps of Lowell Observatory

Albedo maps of Lowell Observatory

Albedo features derived from Earth based International Planetary Patrol photographs selected from the collection at the Planetary Research Center of Lowell Observatory. Published by Planetary Research Center, Lowell Observatory, Copyright Lowell Observatory. Maps provided courtesy of the USGS Flagstaff Library. Mars 1969 Cartographers: JL Inge, CF Capen, LJ Martin, BQ Faure Mars 1973 Cartography: J. […]

Pictorial Representation of Mars

Pictorial Representation of Mars

1:10M Orthographic projection Edition 1-AMS Prepared by the Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, US Army, Washington D.C. 1965 Maps provided courtesy of the USGS Flagstaff Library.

Tectonic map of the Moon (1969)

Tectonic map of the Moon (1969)

Tekonitseskaya Karta Luny = Tectonic map of the Moon = Carte Tectonique de la Lune Козлов В. В., Сулиди-Кондратьев Е. Д. Тектоническая карта Луны. М., Научно-неслед. лаб, Зарубеж геология. 1969. Base map was probably the Polnaya Karta Luny 1 sheet map. Russian, English, French 1:7 500 000 Ed. Yu Ya Kuznetsov Comp. V.V.Kozlov, E.D. Sulidi-Kondratiev Moskva […]

Second Complete Moon Map (1969)

Second Complete Moon Map (1969)

1:5 000 000 Sternberg Astronomy Institute Luna-3, Zond-3, Lunar Orbiter images Chief of the department: Yu. N.Lipskiy. Nauka, Moskva, 1969. „Using new images From Lunar Orbiter, Zond 6 7 8, with improved quality of drawing, new 1:5M map was made in 1979.” (Rodionova 1991)

Physiographic Map of the Moon (1961)

Physiographic Map of the Moon (1961)

Physiographic Divisions of the Moon 1:3 800 000 Engeneering Special Study of the Surface of the Moon I-351 1961 USGS Robert Hackman, Arnold Mason   It contains a detailed, new, English, geographic nomenclature for the near side of the Moon. These names and division was never used afterwards even though it is more coherent than the […]

Photomap of the visible side of the Moon (1967)

Photomap of the visible side of the Moon (1967)

Фотокарта видимого полушария.СССР, Ю. Н. Липский, М., «Наука», 1967. Fotokarta Vidimogo Polusariya Luny Nauka, Moskva, 1967. 1:5 000 000 Yu. N. Lipskiy Sternberg State Astronomical Institute „Gerard Kuiper took two Lick Observatory photographs to Moscow, where a group of military cartographers workig under Lev Bugaevsky combined them with other images to create this photomap. Professor Yurii […]

The Earth’s Moon (National Geographic)

The Earth’s Moon (National Geographic)

Publisher: (c) The National Geography Society Feb 1969 / 1976 / 2003 editions Nomenclature: 1969: English/Latin, 2004: Latin Background map:  Tibor Toth (1969) Font design: Charles Riddiford (same font as in other National Geographic maps) Design: Dave Cook, Richard Furno (Source: part 1 part 2) With complete index on the back side of the map. […]

Map of the visible equatorial region of the Moon (1968)

Map of the visible equatorial region of the Moon (1968)

Карта Луны. Экваториальная зона видимого полушария. ГАИШ, ЦНИИГАиК, научн. рук. Ю. Н. Липокий, М., «Наука», 1968. Karta Luny Yekvatorialnaya Zona Vidimogo Polushariya 1:1 000 000 Nauka, Moskva 1968 Supervized by Yu N Lipskiy Sternberg Astronomical Institute Mercator Projection In 7 sheets Made by military cartographers; 8 sheets, for the central part of the nearside Moon. Compiled […]

Slipher’s Map of Mars, MEC-1 (1962)

Slipher’s Map of Mars, MEC-1 (1962)

Cartographer: E C Slipher (Lowell Observatory)Published by United States Air ForceLanguage of nomenclature: LatinScale: 1:35 000 000Projection: MercatorDate: 1962 Source: Library of Congress.     Credit: NASA Johnson Space Center S63-00916

Sternberg Institute’s Chart of the Reverse Side of the Moon (1960)

Sternberg Institute’s Chart of the Reverse Side of the Moon (1960)

Atlas Obratnoj Storony Luny (Part 1) Akademiya Nauk SSSR Moskva 1960. Includes a map of the far side in 4 pages 1:10 000 000 (It is centered at 120 deg, partly overlaps the near side) Cartographic editor: Yurii Naumovich Lipsky Based on Luna-3 photographs Comment by Zh. F. Rodionova: За всю историю картографирования Луны до начала […]