Wilkins’ maps of the Moon
Photo: LPOD Sep15 2008.
Cartographer: H Percy Wilkins, “the last traditional selenographer”
Editions: Early edition with hand lettering, later editions with sans serif and grid.
South-up orientation. Orthographic projection.
60 inch map: 1924
200 inch map: 1930
300 inch map of the Moon First edition, 1946. Third edition, 1951, revisions in 1952, 1954.
25 map sheets, Scale 21.6 miles per inch.
Compiled from personal observations starting in 1909.
200-inch edition
300-inch edition including polar and far side views. This image is compiled by H. Hargitai from the Strolling Astronomer publication (100 inch reduction).
A single sheet from the 200-inch edition.
The 300-inch edition with north-up orientation. Neil Armstrong and Dr H P Wilkins at the Royal Geographical Society, London. (source)
Reduced edition 1952 (?) (Source)