Moon Globe / Globus Luny

1:10 000 000
Globus Luny sostavlen po fotografiyam AMS Luna-3, Zond-3, s tsastitsnym ispolzovaniem snimkov Lunar Orbiter …. Sternberg Institute

In 12 segments
Polar: azimuthal projection

The far side segments used an original method of transformation using spherical screen. Negatives of the full maps of the moon 1979 1:5M used in cartographic projector on spherical screen. On the screen there was a lat/lon grid. Moving the camera projector angle, every 10 degrees, to put to the same 10 degrees trapezi on the sphere. They took an image, and in result, exposed on photo paper in severak trapezi, corrected the exposure on photo paper in global projection. And they compiled 30 deg segments and used them to prepare the final proof of the relief shading. They selected the content elements and generalize them. They separately made the sea bounderies. Colored shading was made by painter-cartographer V.V. Solokolov. On the map of globe segments in 1987 first used pictograms  for showing of a place where automatic stations and spacecraft has been landed. These pictograms have been developed in MIIGAiK, with Scientific Expermermental Center Babakin and by GAISH (Sternberg Inst).  (Rodionova 1991)


New opportunity when we use thermoplastic material which allows a new method to create a new globe forrming a whole hemisphere, allowed MIIGAiK, and made in cartographic műhely GUGK SSSR. Glued on hemispheres. Plain cartographic image of the surface in hemispheres in aziumthal projection which use low distorsions fit for this method.

Shading was made by PKO Cartopgraphia by painter cartographer A.I. Rahub. The new globe also take part from NRKP, GAISH, TSNIIGAiK. Issued experimental parts of this globe 320 mm diameter. This globe has been used in schools in astronomy classes.




Virtual reality version is accessible in the following sites: